homebuyeredWhen a stable and capable nonprofit, governmental or faith-based organization is interested in providing affordable or mixed income housing, revitalizing a neighborhood or developing a community facility, Mosaic can work one-on-one with the group to provide the technical assistance in the complicated and very specific skills needed to identify the most pressing housing and community needs and to develop strategies to address them. Mosaic can work with the organization to assist with:


  • Site Acquisition
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Development Team Assembly
  • Project Budgetary and Operational Proforma Analysis
  • Funding Sources and Leveraging
  • Grant Writing and Application Packages
  • Project Management (Oversight of all aspects of the development process)
  • Asset management



consulting1Mosaic can participate in two ways:

  1. as a consultant serving the organization on a contractual basis, or;
  2. as a partner in a joint venture with the organization

As a consultant, Mosaic will assess the strength/weaknesses of the organization and work with the organization to establish the steps necessary for the development process. Grant funding often can offset the organization’s costs for this work. To determine eligibility for services, please click here to create a Technical Assistance Request.